Volunteer Header 2023

Volunteering at Britt

We Love Our Volunteers!

Britt Music & Arts Festival is fortunate to have  a dedicated team of volunteers. Last season hundreds of volunteers hiked up and down the "hill" nightly and logged over 18,000 hours in the process. They rented cushions, picked up trash, enforced the house rules policy, sold raffle tickets, directed traffic and sold artist merchandise, to name just a few of their many tasks. From the Board of Directors to the security team, every aspect of Britt relies heavily on volunteer support.

Volunteers are coordinated under the heading of Britt Society. Britt Society was organized in 1964, and began its first year of service "on the hill" the following year.

For More Information:

Selection of new volunteers takes place each year between the months of January to early April. If you live in the Rogue or Applegate Valley and would like more information about volunteering, please contact Volunteer Coordinator Diane Lomasney at diane.lomasney@brittfest.org

Volunteer Spotlight

Volunteer Clean-Up Day: 2024 Pre-Season Bench Sanding:

Meet Laurin:

Meet Bill:

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